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Tribute In Honour Of A General Extraordinaire @ 80

A Tribute is a testimonial, an attestation that speaks of the worth and virtues about someone.

In every dispensation, the Almighty God picks a man, pours Himself into that man and makes him an unusual figure in his generation, and as an instrument in the hands of the Almighty God to redefine and shape things according to Divine purpose for the Times and Seasons.

All through generations, such men have always been known to be in drops at a time and not in great number. This is because they appear on the scene as extra-ordinary. Therefore, doing a tribute on such men is usually not a mean task.

Such has been The Man, my father in the Lord, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, who I will like to simply define as a phenomenon. Like Elijah the Tishbite, his friend, Pastor Adeboye, fondly known as Daddy G.O; not having descended from the family of the known, seemed to have simply appeared on the scene and has since shaken the Kingdom and the global world to the glory of God.

Daddy G.O. is such a phenomenon that has practically remained in a class of his own with qualities and virtues that are almost impossible to compare and equaled.

Driven by his PASSION for God, and COMPASSION for men, Daddy G.O. has remained a trail-blazer, a pathfinder, and a pacesetter, not only at the spiritual plane, but even more so at the social, economic, and political atmosphere – a man sold out to God and to the service of humanity. For instance, his contribution to the growth and development of education and health are mind blowing.

Time and space will fail us for an exhaustive tribute on this General Extraordinaire. Suffice it therefore to say that Daddy G.O. is a phenomenon that means different things to different people. Here is a man whose relationship with the Almighty God is so deep that he simply addresses God as “my Daddy”.

His exemplary family life is contagious. His leadership and administrative styles and methods are unique; hardly what you expect to read in books. Daddy G.O. is a man of not just great, but also unusual faith; for him nothing under the sun is impossible.

All over the world, within the Kingdom and outside the Kingdom, the name Pastor E.A. Adeboye has become a symbol of humility. This has given him up as a man that is loved by all globally. Daddy G.O. is a man you meet and you will want to meet again and again.

Simply put, Daddy G.O. is a General Extraordinaire, a global phenomenon.

Our humble prayer for Daddy on this very auspicious occasion of his 80th birthday is that the Almighty God will keep him and preserve him till the very end. We pray that the Lord will increase him in strength, grace and wisdom to finish well and strong.

Happy birthday Daddy.

Pastor & Pastor (Mrs) Umar Idris Enoch
Pastor in charge of Region 14
Akwa Ibom State.