Cross River 2 | Daddy G.O. at 80 Just another WordPress site Wed, 02 Mar 2022 09:21:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Cross River 2 | Daddy G.O. at 80 32 32 214593238 80 Heart Cheers to our Beloved Daddy Wed, 02 Mar 2022 09:21:35 +0000 It’s more than obvious that my Daddy, Enoch Adejare Adeboye is both a force and a voice to reckoned with in the Christiandom World over. His excellent spiritual leadership has made him a father to numerous fathers and a Pathfinder of the ideal penticostalism.
Daddy’s meekness, humility and holy living are rare examples to emulate by everyone. His commitment and dedication to the course of the gospel are trail-blazing.
Our generation is blessed to have such a God’s General like you Sir.
Happy Octogenarian Celebration Sir.
Let Somebody Shout Hallelujah!!!

Pastor Akande O Joseph
Pastor-in-charge of Province
Cross River Province 2
