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On behalf of Daddy, first, I want to thank God for this milestone event in his life.
Beside God and my wife, I have not come across anybody in my life that has contributed, in no small measure, to my success story in life and ministry like Daddy E. A. Adeboye. The weight and the volume of his investments into my life remain unfathomable.
My beloved Daddy (Daddy G.O) is an epitome of meekness, holiness and humility. His large heart has endeared him to many people in the high, middle and lower cadres of life, hence, his becoming an icon of knowledge, godliness, generosity, diligence, integrity (just to mention a few of his virtues) to many progressive people in all works of life throughout the world.
His doggedness in facing challenges of life and in pursuance of what he believed as the will of God, is unparalleled. Even at this old age, tiredness and undue relaxation are never noticed in his life, which almost make someone like me to wonder, once in a while whether he is a human or a spirit being.
When one is trying to feel that one has began to know the secrets of his success, one will later discover, going by, his level of commitment to the service to God and humanity, that one has not known an iota of what is making this man to score success upon success from time to time. His common saying “we are yet to start” has set many of us, his children in an unrelenting pursuit of doing greater exploits for God and it supplies us greater strength to be on our toes in working for God aggressively, till we see Jesus in glory.
I just believe, by my own personal conviction and conclusion, that if I follow Jesus Christ with this man being my mirror every day, I will surely make heaven, and I doubt less that I could find several others among his ardent followers that might be on this same pedestal with me.
My Daddy, I salute you, I dop my cap for you, I am grateful to you, for being a father to me.
I praise God for your exemplary family life and for blessing you with your own wife, Mummy Folu Adeboye, while I pray that you and her, and everyone of your children, biological and spiritual, will not miss eternal home with our heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name.

Your son,
Pastor Elijah Olujimi Ajibade
Assistant Continental Overseer/Pastor in Charge, RCCG Region 22 (Ondo State)