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To God be all the glory for the opportunity to celebrate a father in an innumerable ways.
A father with great passion for souls, an icon with insatiable desire for excellence. Holiness and humility personified. A father with the right word for the right season, a father with the tongue of fire that consumes the devil and its grip on any sinner that comes in contact with. My father, Pastor Enoch Adejare ADEBOYE.
By the grace of God, I am a product of his uncompromising passion for souls, when he preached from Luke 1: 37 at Oshogbo Congress that beautiful morning of 13 April 1979. The simplicity of his message makes growth possible, the convincing evidence of the Holy Spirit makes restitution easy, the manifestation of raw miracles through him makes the endowment of the fullness of the Holy Spirit desirable by all of us, his children.
The retention ability of my father is incomparable with anyone in this generation. He will tell you into details events of over sixty, seventy years as if they happened yesterday. Daddy I celebrate you always sir.
Daddy, the Lord that has brought you to celebrate this milestone birthday will not leave you alone Sir, Moses started his ministry at the age of eighty, it’s a season of divine strength for exploits. Unabated strength, uncompromising faith, undistracted focus shall continue to be your portion till you see Him in glory sir in Jesus name.

This tribute will not be complete without celebrating Maami, the woman besides my great Dad on this great occasion for a job done gloriously in supporting my hero, my mentor, my coach my quintessential Daddy and leader, Thank you ma for all I have learnt and benefited from you and for making my father comfortable to focus on the assignment ma. You are cherished, treasured and deeply loved ma.
You Daughter

Pastor Mrs Dayo Jide-Akinrinde