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Dear Daddy G.O.,

It is with immeasurable joy that I write this tribute on the occasion of your 80th birthday. Looking at the great strides from a very humble beginning, yours has been a life of consistency, fruitfulness and global impact. You have lived a life worthy of emulation to all your children in the Redeemed Christian Church of God and indeed the whole world.

Your influence has remained strong and bold in the life of whoever comes across your path; your gentle, meek and accessible relationship has led many to salvation and deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ. A personal example is my direct encounter with you in November 1985 while preparing for full-time ministry. That was about 5 months to a new set of RCBC students. As a believer committed to the word of God, you counseled me to use the intervening period between then and when the College would resume in April 1986 to study the Bible. The godly counsel was timely and has remained indelible. I am grateful for the spiritual, ministerial and physical blessings from the encounter.

Generally, it gives us your children great encouragement and inspiration that your role and status as a universally accepted father figure to the body of Christ is ever increasing.

We love you Daddy and pray earnestly that God will continue to grant you good health as you lead us in the journey of faith in Christ. On behalf of myself, my dear wife, my entire family and all your children in Benue Province 1, I pray for a renewed strength and fresh grace to do “greater works” to the glory of God.

As Daddy joins the enviable league of the Octogenarian, especially as leading light for our generation, our deepest desire is summarized in the words of the Psalmist: “Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing” (Psalm 92:13-14). So shall it be in Jesus name.

Happy 80th birthday, dear Daddy.

With Much Filial Love,

Pastor Aderemi Folasayo