Daddy G.O. at 80 Just another WordPress site Fri, 11 Mar 2022 16:39:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Daddy G.O. at 80 32 32 214593238 DADDY, NOW THAT YOU ARE EIGHTY (80) YEARS, STILL UNSTOPPABLE AND FORMIDABLE Thu, 03 Mar 2022 02:05:57 +0000

Daddy, Though you are now eighty
Yet you are still hasty
And have become unstoppable
But getting more formidable
Reaching for the souls not yet saved
And for the lands not yet gained
We hear you loud
That we haven’t reached the cloud
Far away is the Mars
Preaching to the Mass
You would usually say, we haven’t started yet
Till we build an auditorium at best
As large as Ibadan city
For this is befitting
But not yet the line of finishing
The first was in front of Lagos Ibadan Expressway
We thought those were the best days
Yet at your behest, we kept moving
And always looking
For where you would take us next
No doubt, will be the best
The second and third auditoriums were of many metres
And now it is an auditorium of three by three kilometres

How oftentimes I have asked
Why is your body so tasked?
At an age twice that of a youth
You said because you refused to be a fool
And since a fool at forty, is a fool forever
You would rather be godly and live with Jesus forever
The fool said in his heart, there is no God
And refuses to seek his God
But you heard what God said in His Word
Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth
Little wonder you became the G O of RCCG as a youth
The glory of the youth is in their strength
The glory of the elderly is in their grey hair
As you wait upon the Lord He shall renew your strength
The Lord will carry you even to your hoary hair

At such a young age
You had become a sage
And never to be caged
You ran with speed, the race
Desiring to become the youngest Vice Chancellor
Of one of the universities in Nigeria, which is just one nation
But God had for you a better plan of a Pioneer Chancellor
Of the best private university, Redeemer’s University of All Nations
You desired a house in a city
But instead, God decided to build you a city

Daddy, as you turn eighty years
In the year of triple double
For you, GOD will make all things triple double
In the year RCCG turning seventy years
In the year RCCG will be celebrating forty years
It moved to the Camp Ground
A Holy Habitation of God and His presence all around
It is the year of jubilation
It is the year of celebrations
It is a year of new beginning in every nation
Let us roll out the drums
It is a year of triumphs
Clap your hands, O ye people!
It is the year of blessings in triples
Shout with a shout of praise!
It is the year of multiple grace
Praise God with the instruments of worship
And bow before the throne of the only Lordship
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Let somebody shout Halleluyah!

Written and composed by:
Pastor Olusola Abimbola Joseph
APICP, CSR, Lagos Province 19

RCCG Administrators Empower 2,000 People to Celebrate Daddy G.O.’s 80th Birthday Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:25:27 +0000
To celebrate the 80th birthday of Pastor E.A. Adeboye, General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, the Administrators of the church embarked on a 5-day empowerment program for skills acquisition and entrepreneurship.

About 2,000 people were empowered in several skills and micro-businesses including cake and catering services, household products, tyre recycling, leather work production, car scanning and diagnosis, graphics design, bread making, makeup and gele tying, catfish, and snail farming.

Outstanding trainees were given cash gifts to support their business ventures. The group also provided free medical services to participants.

The event which took place between 21st and 26th February 2022 had in attendance Pastor J. F. Odesola, Assistant General Overseer, Admin and Personnel and Pastor Olurotimi Vincent Adegborioye, Senior Director of Admin & Human Resources amongst others.

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Happy Birthday Daddy! Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:13:05 +0000 Daddy Enoch Adejare Adeboye @ 80.

I want to join millions of your Children and admirers to felicitate with you at your 80th Birthday.

Daddy, you stand out among others in grace, love, compassion, warmness, kindness etc.

You have touched many lives, impacted so many people. You have lived a life; not for yourself or family alone but you bestride your world like a Colossus; building, remolding, touching and turning other people’s lives around positively.

You have been an inspiration to others, in the work of the ministry, no wonder you have many diehard followers who are ready to cross the rubicon because of you.

You have also been a source of strength to all your Children. A living biblical example to all followers of Christ and your contributions to the growth of Christendom is unparalleled.

I pray that the Lord will grant you long life; full of joy, happiness and strength in His Service. I also want to thank God for the life of our Mummy, Pastor (Mrs) Folu Adeboye for being strong beside you and her steadfastness in furtherance of the work in this mission.

Congratulations Daddy.

Pastor Dele Olowookere
Assistant Continental Overseer/PIC Region 30

GOODWILL MESSAGE TO MY FATHER IN THE LORD, PASTOR E. A. ADEBOYE ON HIS 80TH BIRTHDAY Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:12:15 +0000 On behalf of Daddy, first, I want to thank God for this milestone event in his life.
Beside God and my wife, I have not come across anybody in my life that has contributed, in no small measure, to my success story in life and ministry like Daddy E. A. Adeboye. The weight and the volume of his investments into my life remain unfathomable.
My beloved Daddy (Daddy G.O) is an epitome of meekness, holiness and humility. His large heart has endeared him to many people in the high, middle and lower cadres of life, hence, his becoming an icon of knowledge, godliness, generosity, diligence, integrity (just to mention a few of his virtues) to many progressive people in all works of life throughout the world.
His doggedness in facing challenges of life and in pursuance of what he believed as the will of God, is unparalleled. Even at this old age, tiredness and undue relaxation are never noticed in his life, which almost make someone like me to wonder, once in a while whether he is a human or a spirit being.
When one is trying to feel that one has began to know the secrets of his success, one will later discover, going by, his level of commitment to the service to God and humanity, that one has not known an iota of what is making this man to score success upon success from time to time. His common saying “we are yet to start” has set many of us, his children in an unrelenting pursuit of doing greater exploits for God and it supplies us greater strength to be on our toes in working for God aggressively, till we see Jesus in glory.
I just believe, by my own personal conviction and conclusion, that if I follow Jesus Christ with this man being my mirror every day, I will surely make heaven, and I doubt less that I could find several others among his ardent followers that might be on this same pedestal with me.
My Daddy, I salute you, I dop my cap for you, I am grateful to you, for being a father to me.
I praise God for your exemplary family life and for blessing you with your own wife, Mummy Folu Adeboye, while I pray that you and her, and everyone of your children, biological and spiritual, will not miss eternal home with our heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name.

Your son,
Pastor Elijah Olujimi Ajibade
Assistant Continental Overseer/Pastor in Charge, RCCG Region 22 (Ondo State)

Happy Birthday Daddy! Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:11:12 +0000 Our Highly Esteemed and Beloved Daddy G. O.

We are happy and grateful to the Almighty God for His goodness and mercy over your life for the grace to mark your eightieth birthday.
We thank God for the life of impact upon millions, both young and old, tribes of different races since you have known the Lord.
Your life of devotion and commitment to the kingdom matters have made many wonder if blood truly flow in your vein. You work tirelessly as if there will not be another day.

A Pastor, mentor, coach and teacher. Your leadership style woke us up from slumber to destinies. Many of us never thought we would ever work in the vineyard of the Lord, but by following you, we saw the light, we followed and saw the purpose for existence. We will forever be grateful unto God and unto you.

We felicitate with you and the entire members of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, and pray that the grace and mercy of God will continue to rest upon you in an ever-increasing measure, causing your influence to grow the more and your impact to further spread into every sphere of the globe.

Daddy, we pray the Lord will further renew your strength, bestow upon you wisdom and understanding to lead the church to the next level. He will multiply His grace and anointing upon you for more exploits.

All your children in Region 15 wish you happy birthday, long life and prosperity in Jesus name. Amen.

Congratulations sir.

Pastor Henry Yolo
FOR: The Redeemed Christian Church of God
Region 15

176 Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:09:57 +0000 Tribute In Honour Of A General Extraordinaire @ 80

A Tribute is a testimonial, an attestation that speaks of the worth and virtues about someone.

In every dispensation, the Almighty God picks a man, pours Himself into that man and makes him an unusual figure in his generation, and as an instrument in the hands of the Almighty God to redefine and shape things according to Divine purpose for the Times and Seasons.

All through generations, such men have always been known to be in drops at a time and not in great number. This is because they appear on the scene as extra-ordinary. Therefore, doing a tribute on such men is usually not a mean task.

Such has been The Man, my father in the Lord, Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye, who I will like to simply define as a phenomenon. Like Elijah the Tishbite, his friend, Pastor Adeboye, fondly known as Daddy G.O; not having descended from the family of the known, seemed to have simply appeared on the scene and has since shaken the Kingdom and the global world to the glory of God.

Daddy G.O. is such a phenomenon that has practically remained in a class of his own with qualities and virtues that are almost impossible to compare and equaled.

Driven by his PASSION for God, and COMPASSION for men, Daddy G.O. has remained a trail-blazer, a pathfinder, and a pacesetter, not only at the spiritual plane, but even more so at the social, economic, and political atmosphere – a man sold out to God and to the service of humanity. For instance, his contribution to the growth and development of education and health are mind blowing.

Time and space will fail us for an exhaustive tribute on this General Extraordinaire. Suffice it therefore to say that Daddy G.O. is a phenomenon that means different things to different people. Here is a man whose relationship with the Almighty God is so deep that he simply addresses God as “my Daddy”.

His exemplary family life is contagious. His leadership and administrative styles and methods are unique; hardly what you expect to read in books. Daddy G.O. is a man of not just great, but also unusual faith; for him nothing under the sun is impossible.

All over the world, within the Kingdom and outside the Kingdom, the name Pastor E.A. Adeboye has become a symbol of humility. This has given him up as a man that is loved by all globally. Daddy G.O. is a man you meet and you will want to meet again and again.

Simply put, Daddy G.O. is a General Extraordinaire, a global phenomenon.

Our humble prayer for Daddy on this very auspicious occasion of his 80th birthday is that the Almighty God will keep him and preserve him till the very end. We pray that the Lord will increase him in strength, grace and wisdom to finish well and strong.

Happy birthday Daddy.

Pastor & Pastor (Mrs) Umar Idris Enoch
Pastor in charge of Region 14
Akwa Ibom State.

TRIBUTE TO AN AWESOME FATHER @ 80 Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:09:06 +0000 In deepest appreciation to the God of the universe, we your children want to thank you for being more than a father to us.
On this milestone celebration, we want to thank you for all the incredible sacrifices you have made(and continue to make) towards the advancement of God’s kingdom and of humanity. You are our spiritual shepherd, showing us the way and leading us towards righteousness.
We know that you are God’s great gift to our Generation and to Generations yet unborn.
We salute your generosity, doggedness, patience, perseverance and faith. You have shown us that through love and sacrifice we can conquer all.
As you celebrate sir, whatever it is that stirs your soul, listen to that. Everything else is just noise! We celebrate you sir.
Happy birthday to the greatest spiritual mentor ever! We will be forever grateful for all your guidance and lessons.
As we draw the curtains on this tribute, Daddy, we want you to continue to have faith in your journey as everything had to happen as it did from your very beginning till now so as to get you to where you are going next.
We salute our mentor, Father and coach!
Hip! Hip! Hip!!!………Hurray!!!!!!!Pastor Goke & Folu Kuti
Pastor-in-Charge of Region 25, The R.C.C.G.

TRIBUTE TO A WORTHY FATHER AT 80 Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:08:13 +0000 Daddy G.O. as fondly called by many, is a man of many feathers – an academic par excellence, a pastor of pastors, a leader of leaders, a coach of coaches, a mentor and father to millions of people around the world, across all walks of life including: men of God, kings, presidents, and more. Daddy’s life is a definition of a life that is full of great grace as he has the grace of absolute holiness, humility, hard work, focus, commitment, and so many other attributes too many to mention but worthy of emulation. One remarkable quality about Daddy is that he has a large heart, full of compassion and passion for souls.

Daddy G.O. is a rare gem, a visionary leader, a goal getter, a positive generation changer, selfless, humorous and spiritual. He is a disciplinarian to the core and has zero tolerance for sin or anything ungodly. Daddy’s life is an epistle that has turned around countless lives from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light and reshaped the destiny of so many. His life has dramatically influenced our walk with the Lord and our ministerial journey.

Daddy, we pray for more of the grace of God upon you in every facet of life and pray that you finish strong in Jesus name.

‘Dele and Temitope Balogun
Pastor-in-charge of Region
Region 13

Happy 80th Birthday Daddy Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:06:30 +0000 “So teach us to number our days that we may apply our heart unto wisdom”, Psalm 90:12

We celebrate God’s goodness in your life and we appreciate the Almighty God for His mercy and grace given to you to live up to Eight (8) decades. Living up to 80 is such a wonderful achievement endowed to only a few people on earth!

As you celebrate your 80th year on earth, it is our prayer that the rest of your life will not be for toiling and trouble for we know by His strength He has made you 80 and His strength will keep you till you see the Lord in Glory.

Daddy, we appreciate God in your life for being a perfect example of a true Christian in terms of Integrity, Holiness and most importantly a Soul Winner.

Moreover, Moses confronted Pharaoh to let God’s children go at the age of 80, we are rest assured that even now, more souls will be set loosed from the camp of the enemy. It is also our prayer that in this season of freshness, everything about you and yours will be fresh in Jesus name.

Wishing you the best and a Happy 80th Birthday Daddy.

Pastor Sam Olu-Aina
Pastor-in-charge of Province
Adamawa Province

TRIBUTE TO DADDY GO @ 80 Wed, 02 Mar 2022 10:03:24 +0000 Life is only meaningful by the value added to it
You have added unquantifiable value to us and other billions of lives
You are a transformer, a destiny builder, a teacher
A counselor , a confidant, a cheerful giver
A Prayer Champion, dogged and rugged
Not carried away by material things
But directed by godliness and holiness
How else can we describe you?
Our own daddy
Fondly called Daddy G.O.
The Builder of builders
A teacher of teachers
Who eschew evil in all ramifications
A promoter of righteousness
A lover of peace and unity
A Father of many nations
Your name Enoch speaks your living
You are indeed ‘walking with God’
As the Enoch in the Bible did
Your name is most dreaded in the kingdom of Satan
And well noted in the kingdom of God
If any of your spiritual children accidentally falls victim of kidnapers
And they hear this is ‘omo Adeboye’(Adeboye’s child)
They quickly release(free) the fellow, what a name !
An uncommon individual, at 80 yet as strong as 30
We love you and want you to know that
We think of you often wherever we go and pray for you
You lift us up; you’re like walking sunshine
We are blessed to have a great daddy like you.
Your endless affection makes us special and rare;
Your impeccable character and humility
Are worthy of emulation
To everyone whose goal
Is to make heaven at last
We are always amazed by how much you care.
A man with a very large heart
What you’ve given to us spiritually we can never repay
Thank you, Daddy on your 80th birthday.
You are indeed a gift to this generation
Together with billions of your spiritual children worldwide
We in RCCG, Lagos Province 53 are collectively saying
Happy birthday to a daddy in a billion
And many happy returns of the day Sir.

Pastor Ben Adewole Ajayeoba.

PICP, Lagos Province 53
