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In deepest appreciation to the God of the universe, we your children want to thank you for being more than a father to us.
On this milestone celebration, we want to thank you for all the incredible sacrifices you have made(and continue to make) towards the advancement of God’s kingdom and of humanity. You are our spiritual shepherd, showing us the way and leading us towards righteousness.
We know that you are God’s great gift to our Generation and to Generations yet unborn.
We salute your generosity, doggedness, patience, perseverance and faith. You have shown us that through love and sacrifice we can conquer all.
As you celebrate sir, whatever it is that stirs your soul, listen to that. Everything else is just noise! We celebrate you sir.
Happy birthday to the greatest spiritual mentor ever! We will be forever grateful for all your guidance and lessons.
As we draw the curtains on this tribute, Daddy, we want you to continue to have faith in your journey as everything had to happen as it did from your very beginning till now so as to get you to where you are going next.
We salute our mentor, Father and coach!
Hip! Hip! Hip!!!………Hurray!!!!!!!Pastor Goke & Folu Kuti
Pastor-in-Charge of Region 25, The R.C.C.G.